Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Child's True Feelings Through A Window

We, my husband and 2 boys, were all in our house when my husband noticed a spider on a window. It just so happened that that is where, our son Kimahri, sleeps; but was awake at the time. He immediately wanted to touch it, but we told him that it could bite him. Now, he understands this concept of 'bite' because we have a german shepherd puppy who is only now four months old. We tell, this puppy, Luther, not to bite all the time. So when we said to him that the spider could bite him, he immediately backed up. We looked at it a little bit closer and found that it was outside the window. So we told Kimahri that it was outside and couldn't hurt him. When we weren't looking he tried to smash the spider against the window. He cried out just seconds later saying that the spider bit him, and was crying out profusely. He was holding his foot and tears were streaming down his face. We comforted him and made sure that he was okay, really. But all in all, this reality of the spider being able to bite and Kimahri knowing that a bite would hurt, took this from a child's view and thought that the spider really bit him through the window. He later did calm down. He still looks at the window to see if the spider is there. We don't know, because we can't see him anymore. But, everytime that he looks at that window, he gets a little scowl and fear in his face.

Amberly McDonald

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