Monday, October 18, 2010

the sky is crying tears of sadness

This weekend was cold and wet. My husband and I have an RV, which we live in with our 2 boys. Since they were gone this weekend, we decided to go ahead and cover the RV for winter. We don't want any cool air coming in through the vents, windows, or the A/C box. We set out to go and cover it, and wouldn't you know that as soon as we were getting coats and boots on to go outside, we heard a little bit of a pitter-patter on the roof. It sounded like a lot of rain was coming down. Of course, we could've done this all of the week before when it was nice and sunny outside, but no, we decided to wait until it was pouring with rain. On our metal roof it sounded like millions of raindrops were coming down, but as soon as we stepped outside, we were met with little balls of what seemed to be like hail. There were so many!
We ended up getting the tarp on in about one hour. It was all tightened down and bungeed tight and squared up so we could have a mud-room. It looked really nice.
Now come today, the landlady looked at it, after approving the project before we even put it up, and said that it looked too tacky, so had to take it down. Had I known this yesterday, I would've told Eric that we would need to come up with a different plan. But all good things come to an end. And now you know the rest of the story.

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